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Spring 2022 NME Boot Camp - VIRTUAL

This is your enrollment page for our VIRTUAL Spring 2022 NME Boot Camp via Zoom on April 5 & 6, 2022.

This Boot Camp is an online learning experience led by Dr. Bruce Perry and NME Project Director Steve Graner. The daily scheudle will run from 9am - 4pm CST.


The NME Boot Camp is a terrific way for participants to jump-start their NME Trainer Program and provides educators with opportunities for live learning and relationship-building. Following the Boot Camp, participants continue to work through their NME Trainer Program via our web-based program (no travel required) for approximately 9 months (no travel required).

Registration cost is $4,000 and INCLUDES your full enrollment in the NME Trainer Program.  Participants have the option of paying for the course ($4,000 USD) in full upon enrollment or paying $2,000 USD upon enrollment and the balance of $2000 USD on or before March 15, 2022.


Cancelation Policy: Refunds are not offered. If attendance at Boot Camp is no longer possible, participants may convert their Boot Camp enrollment to the traditional web-based model.

Spring 2022 NME Boot Camp - VIRTUAL


    The Neurosequential Network provides education and training. We do not provide clinical consultation.  

    For education and training inquiries that require additional assistance

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