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2020 NME Implementation Series (15 Hour)

The 2020 NME Implementation Series is a unique collection of ten 90 minute pre-recorded webinars highlighting schools and organizations that have used the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME) to play a key role in developing their ‘trauma-aware’, ‘trauma-informed’, ‘trauma-responsive’, ‘socio-emotional’ or mental health programs and practices. Each webinar is a guided conversation about the challenges and successes in this process. The webinars include support materials including outcome reports and descriptions of program development. In addition, participants will be invited to the Neurosequential Network’s monthly NME Implementation calls (live webinars focusing on implementation of the NME). These Zoom webinars will begin in 2020.


This series is an excellent way to hear directly from professionals embedded in educational systems and is a useful resource for schools, school districts and related professionals or organizations. If never exposed to the Neurosequential Model, it is an opportunity to learn more about its use in educational settings; if already engaged in the Neurosequential Network, it is an easy way to learn more about implementation and see how others have created various regulating strategies, tracked outcomes, modified classroom practice, engaged educators and administrations, developed internal capacity building processes, and solved a host of challenges facing today’s educators.


NME Implementation Webinars:


Session 1: The S.I.T.E. Framework: (Denver, CO)

Presenters: Kathleen Lohmiller & Halley Gruber, Educational Access Group


Session 2: Highland Elementary School, Columbus Public Schools: (Columbus, OH)

Presenter: Elizabeth McNally, Ph.D., Principal


Session 3: The T.I.M.E. Program: Beach High School, Long Beach Unified SD: (Long Beach, CA)

Presenter: Nathan Swaringen, LBUSD


Session 4: NME in Early Childhood Settings: (Calgary, AB, Canada)

Presenters: Elsa Campos & colleagues, Providence Schools & Community Services


Session 5: Readiness 4 Learning (R4L): Clackmannanshire Council (Scotland)

Presenter: Lesley Taylor, Clackmannanshire Educational Psychology Service


Session 6: NME at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls (South Africa)

Presenters: The OWLAG Education team (featuring Michelle Williams, Nicci Glanville, Dumi Tshabalala, Inba Reddy & Martha Tshabalala)


Session 7: Implementation of the NME: Sturgeon School Division (Morinville, AB, Canada)

Presenters: Sandra Brenneis & the Sturgeon Team


Session 8: NME: Foundation for a Trauma-informed School (Tigard, OR)

Presenters: Alfonso Ramirez & the Tigard Team, Tigard High School)


Session 9: NME in Tasmania: (Tasmania, Australia)

Presenters: Lisa Drinkwater, PULSE and beyond


Session 10: District-wide Implementation of the Neurosequential Model: (Aurora, CO)

Presenters: Jessica O'Muireadhaigh & colleagues


Participants may enroll as a individual ($800 USD) or as a group* ($2000 USD) and view recordings at any time.  Pause, replay and access for a full year from subscription date. Total of 15 hours (ten 90 minute sessions).


*Group is defined as 25 participants assembled in a single space.


After making this purchase, please join our website at (by clicking the red "Log in" link (upper right corner of this page). Enter your email address and choose a password. Then check your email for a 6 digit code and use it to confirm your site account.  Joining our site will allow us to assign this course to you.


Please allow 24 - 48 hours for processing. The named (or lead) participant will receive an email with steps needed to access the course. A paid invoice will be emailed separately.


NOTE - We do not offer CEUs for our online courses.

2020 NME Implementation Series (15 Hour)

  • With a Group subscription, up to 25 participants may participate as a group in the 2020 NME Implementation Series.  A moderator should be identified to convene the group in a single space for each session, logging in from a single computer which may be displayed using an LCD projector. Moderators will access the case abstract and metric to distribute via email for each session.

    Recorded sessions are available 24/7 for 1 year from the enrollment date.


    Individual agreement: By purchasing this subscription, I understand that case content discussed and distributed as part of the 2020 NME Implementation Series is confidential. I also understand that content provided about the NMT Clinical Practice Tools, Report and Functional Brain Map are subject to Copyright and may not be copied, adapted, redistributed or distributed beyond their immediate clinical team or used in any way without specific, written permission by The Neurosequential Network.  I understand that the live sessions will be recorded and distributed by The Neurosequential Network for educational purposes. My subscription purchase acknowledges this understanding and indicates I accept the conditions as described herein.

    Group agreement: By purchasing this subscription, I affirm that all of the participants in the 2020 NME Implementation Series will be reminded that the content discussed and distributed is confidential and is only provided as part of this case-based training experience. All communications should be viewed as “Privileged Communication” unless otherwise specified. I also understand that content provided about the NMT Clinical Practice Tools, Report and Functional Brain Map are subject to Copyright and may not be copied, adapted, redistributed or distributed beyond their immediate clinical team or used in any way without specific, written permission by The Neurosequential Network. I understand that the live sessions will be recorded and distributed by The Neurosequential Network for educational purposes. My purchase of this subscription (on behalf of my organization) acknowledges this understanding and indicates I/we accept the conditions as described herein.

The Neurosequential Network provides education and training. We do not provide clinical consultation.  

For education and training inquiries that require additional assistance

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