NMRS Training Certification
The Neurosequential Model in Reflection & Supervision (NMRS) is an outgrowth of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Training in the NMRS is designed for providers responsible for or moving into the role of providing reflective supervision or consultation for groups or individuals of all disciplines. It is also open to those interested in enhancing their own personal reflective capacities
Reflection is the wellspring for problem solving, generating new ideas, perspective change, invention, advancing ones professional work, processing experiences, etc. Supporting others in this process is guided by awareness of the stress response systems, and attention to regulatory states, co-regulation, and state dependent functioning.
NEW NMRS BOOT CAMP - March 25 & 26, 2024
The Napa Parent-Infant & Child Institute is hosting a virtual training experience in NMRS led by Drs. Kristie Brandt and Bruce Perry. This 46 hour training experience kicks off with a 2-day training Boot Camp on March 25 and 26, 2024 and will include didactic and experiential learning on both functional neurobiology and concepts related to reflection. The Boot Camp will launch a 6-month NMRS learning process that includes the following steps:
Step 1: Two-Day NMRS Boot Camp
Step 2: Consolidation Session
Step 3: Participating in NMRS Sessions
Step 4: Providing NMRS Sessions
Step 5: Viewing Videos
Step 6: Reading
Step 7: Processing Recorded Session
Step 8: Closing Workshop
For specific dates/times of each step - view the registration site HERE
NOTE: If planning to enroll in NMT Phase III, contact us to confirm your eligibility and receive the enrollment discount code.