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The Neurosequential Model has had global impact - informing professionals in a broad array of disciplines throughout the world.  The approach has been embraced by parents and caregivers, psychiatrists, physicians, policy makers, law enforcement, clinicians, educators and coaches.  As the approach is adopted by communities that work to help children grow, and the concepts of neurodevelopment are incorporated into their core understanding, the list will continue to grow. Children are best served in the communities they live.  Use the link below to locate clinicians exposed to NM concepts.

I am searching for a Clinician
I wish to request an interview, podcast or presentation

The Neurosequential Network has a robust teaching and training arm.  We are able to fill requests for presentations throughout the US and abroad. Please go here to complete a request form.

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Please send us an email or call us at (833) 804-8880


The Neurosequential Network provides education and training. We do not provide clinical consultation.  


For education and training inquiries that require additional assistance

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